Saturday, October 25, 2008

not. but?

haven't been home in 2 days... i've been:
design team.
drinks/nachos w/ el jefe/amigo/ "El G".
prince dvd on the side of a building.
took a bus out to the burbs at 3am for cumple de stefi.
all night bike ride through San Fernando.
asado chorri y fernet/cola hacienda style con familia de stefi.
didn't clean my room.
war club tonight.
photoshooter wit tranqui yanqui(blog) / (tumblr) in san telmo manana.
ZZKrew goes to europoo lunes.
movin to soho lunes.
kait moves here in december (jam).

hi everyone!


Unknown said...

she bought the tickets?!!??!?
no way?! WOAH man WOAH!

k. mcnally said...

yeah.she did. ticket-singular. one way baby.