Monday, October 26, 2009

the internet is $20 a month. everything else is free.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

fun fun fun.

This festival looks to be the knees of the bees far as i can see.
crystal castles/antlers, atlas sound, ratatatatat, fuck buttons, health, yeasayer, why, king khan, times new viking, russian circles, red sparrows, melt banana, and DANZIG mother fucker.

Just check out these dikerections. huh uhuhhuhuh...
"By Bicycle: You can see here on this fancy google map how to get here. Red River is probably best. Or just hang out and wait for a bunch of kids on bikes and Danzig t-shirts to ride by. Then follow them."

good thing i quit my job today to enlist in the bohemian youth organization for boobs AKA BYOB.