Sunday, March 08, 2009

Validation of Existence: A Comparison between my dog and my self.

Being home a few days with some serious face time with my dog as well as my own life, I've made some astounding observations as to what drives my self and my dog to get out of bed in the morning. Here is a list starting with Django.


Believe it or not, Django is evn more elated about them than this guy.

Empty bottles:

This site alone would cause a conniption fit. Every mans trash is a dogs treasure.


This one is sure to get him going. A pole acts as an invaluable place to urinate. For me, when I'm outside and I have to go, just about any where will do while Django on the other hand will endue hours of presumable suffering to find just the right pole. I find this confusing but perhaps the chosen images proves that man and dog are not so different after all.


Surprisingly enough, a ubiquitous image of a ball is difficult to find.
This is a ball. This is also the key to my dogs heart. In possession of this object, you are in complete control. If you have this, he is your best friend. If he has this, well, maybe find a stick?

Moving objects:

Moving objects are limited to the type portrayed in the image above. Cars, people, bugs, other dogs, and even air will do. Nothing gets him moving like other moving things.

This list is not comprehensive but you get the idea.

This is mine.

This guys expression says it all.

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