Friday, November 28, 2008

Eats meet ends.

I have lived the past 4 days without spending more than $10 (35 pesos).
Hopping subtes, eating rice, drinking tap water, taking calls, not making them (incoming calls are always free... literally and figuratively.), making the coffee at home, packing snacks, walking the 20 blocks instead of hoping on the bus, and not indulging.
Time + energy = money.
walk the blocks, make the meals, cut the fat, teach yourself, entertain your thoughts with ideas... don't buy the book- write it.

Do you think you could go three days without spending any money?
Not to say spending money is bad, but is it necessary?
A concept frequently overlooked and underrated.

I want to grow a garden in the middle of the city.


Unknown said...

im on a money diet myself.
it fucking blows, but then at the end of the day its so worth it being able to say " i have enough self control to not buy that sack."

sam said...

and then tomorrow, you won't even care about a sack.

free arcades exist.

Visual + Intent said...

love the quote about the book, don't buy it, write it...