Friday, January 08, 2010

Typography: A New Science.

And an old science.
You stare at it every day. It lurks silently but tells you everything that you know. When studied, you learn the underlying math behind what always seemed to be an abstract art.
To me, typography becomes the most subversive form of communication. What you read is dictated by what occurs between the lines... how the lines are formed and why. Text is innocent but its form is not.
Words say one thing but how they occur say another.
Its subtle manipulation
and I'd like to think that it's mind control.
Can I do this? Here is a link to the book=>
Sue me.

1 comment:

jrudd said...

This is a creative take on linguistic principles. Unfortunately, the 'phoneme' section is a bit misguided. It seems the phonemes are treated like letters, which is handled in the rightmost panel (the latter not paramount in linguistics per se). Phonemes are distinctly phonic entities, not graphic entities, so although splitting "discredited" into uniquely underlined graphemes is forgivable, 'o' and 'x' do not make the phonetic bundle /ox/. In English, 'x' in this setting would be rendered as the glottal stop /k/ followed by the alveolar fricative /s/. 'o' is the grapheme, but not the IPA rendering of the vowel. At any rate, the word 'ox' is a string of three phonemes, not two.

Is this still a screenshot from the book?