Saturday, August 09, 2008

everywhere... pt.II

scroll down for pt. I

back from the lab

leica m6, baybee.

more of my work online at Cartel

New site up for Cartel Coffee based out of Tempe, AZ, looks great Jas.
Check out the beans and my shots:
cartel coffee lab

[everywhere at once, nowhere at all]

1st installment of the five part series.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Chadwick & Rueling

Check out Chadwick Uptain and Matt Ruelings handmade jewelry and stonework. Based out of downtown Phoenix, these two guys handpick, polish, and shape their own stones and hand cast jewelry in their Jefferson district studio. All original, all hand made, all these two guys. Had the privilege of documenting their extensive catalouge. Here's a sample:

the feast continues to move.