Thursday, December 03, 2009


More beautiful design/packaging out of Aiaiai in Copenhagen. 400 danish kroner ($80?) might even be worth it with a built-in mic/controls for iphone compatibility.


Saturday, November 14, 2009


I found this website "Office for the Development of Substitute Materials*" while I was sick in bed yesterday. It sits on the fence between prolific experiments of the human mind and a joke.

They attempt to create artificial memory, travel time, blast human embryos in to outer space, and build a machine that can make you famous.


Friday, November 13, 2009

ideas have been had before.

tabla rasa- latin for "blank slate". Theory traced from Aristotle but largely dismissed until 1000 years later. John Locke proposed that the human mind is born completely blank without any predisposed content and that the individual is composed entirely as a product of ones' environment.
ambient media- A term now largely associated with advertising, Ambient media is message that takes on the form of its' surroundings. Ambient media acts to define a media environment and communicate information in pervasive environments. Subliminal messaging.
pierre pinoncelli- a performance artist made mostly famous for breaking and urinating on 2 of the 8 orginal copies of marcel duchamps "Fountain" sculpture (urinal, dada). the provocative performance was said to be a statement that the piece had lost its original value as provocative art. he showed a strange sense of commitment to this idea by preforming the acts over the course of 13 years. he was also noted to have thrown red ink on a french minister of culture, cut off part of his finger for an art exhibition, and rob a bank for 10 francs with a sawed off shotgun.

and i want to make this.

Monday, November 02, 2009

dinner party exquisit corpse.

Beautiful hours with beautiful people. Zeus dog licking faces and knocking over wine but making up for it by licking faces. Karina is back (!) in town delighting us with her presence. Yo tight pants wearing nigga! Y'all know about that? And I thought that the divination of a singlular instance is that same perch upon a couch. A singular perch. Maybe it's just me. But it is. I mean - think about it. You have a person, you have a collective YOU you have us and we and all that we are. And you have smoke. It is. I mean, it is what it is. And though it is an accumulation of 95% of how people act, it is a testament of how people act. So Erica closed the door. And faked her breath. And all of them laughed. And that was a collective blog. Maybe Argentina. Maybe poetry. Maybe cheezy crackers. Maybe crack or coke or the singular act of what is snow and an accumulation of that white space. And I'm going for a page. Rifling through collective compilations, we search for some sense of belonging. Awkward glances stifle spontaneous banters. A twist allows for salty bursts of satisfaction. The circle of inspiration brings a conglomeration on a glowing representation of our corporate nation. (HOLY F*CKingshittt) My this, is cave is full of ribbons. they're getting stuck in my eyes, and when the ribbons touch the wet white spheres the blood vessels make

Monday, October 26, 2009

the internet is $20 a month. everything else is free.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

fun fun fun.

This festival looks to be the knees of the bees far as i can see.
crystal castles/antlers, atlas sound, ratatatatat, fuck buttons, health, yeasayer, why, king khan, times new viking, russian circles, red sparrows, melt banana, and DANZIG mother fucker.

Just check out these dikerections. huh uhuhhuhuh...
"By Bicycle: You can see here on this fancy google map how to get here. Red River is probably best. Or just hang out and wait for a bunch of kids on bikes and Danzig t-shirts to ride by. Then follow them."

good thing i quit my job today to enlist in the bohemian youth organization for boobs AKA BYOB.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

complete failure.

these words describe me today. i booked the wrong day for my flight to seattle. dont be like me kids, always double check yer flights.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The fam.

These are my nephews, Reece, Nano and Nathan

and that is their new pet pig.

Nice buy bro.
Miss you boys.

Monday, July 06, 2009

new pictures. how shall they be?

see what comes of these at the tock_lab./

currently at <3 and @ the tock_lab.

watch to see what comes of these.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

We've finally arrived.
Shoes off, feet up, rest easy.
Let's settle.
The current will always pull no matter how current we are.
Stepping (the)aside* the persistent current has always been my way*... Comfort in knowing where i am takes precedence over realizing where i could be.
Nevermind the shuffle... even though that spider is poisonous and it rains below ground, the rent is cheap (and overdue- thanks guys) and the guys are good.
Health is free and its lease, at least, affordable.
So there's more but we have less...
So what-
Let's wait.
Shoes off, feet up, rest easy-
for now.
For the current is now
and as it will be, forever.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

d#s live in asheville, NC

d numbers has a posse in asheville.

Friday, June 26, 2009

well traveled.

fair well, fellow voyager.


This is a tshirt design I threw together for Fellow Citizens. Matt and Carson helped.

Pictures from their wednesday night show to come...

broken hands.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

post mutek post.

Mutek has come and gone but will live on in my heart and these photos. What a week.
Here is a selection of my photos throughout the week. Check out < for the rest.

<3 from brooklyn.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Welcome to montreal, welcome to mutek, welcome to I.C.A.S... we're like the UN of culture.

Kate Lesta sitting down with Raphael of Decibel (seattle/spain) and Martin of Uruguay.

ICAS field trip to the park across the street from monument national for our boxed lunch break. (11 countries in one quaint little park.)

while trying to find coffee during the break, i encountered six times the total crap.

poutine is of course the quebecian street fare and therefore naturally my dinner.

next day of icas meetings, we had dimsum at an overzealous restaurant. considering my table consisted nearly entirely of vegetarians, we ended up with "baby squid". the liquid is tears from the sadness and suffering milked gently from the babies.

then I saw GAS. those who know, yeah... i saw GAS. those who don't, I'm not ashamed that I fell asleep 3 times... that's what he's after.

then there was the real commencement. boulder is rolling about 20 deep at this point. we all met up and entered the party collectively. Unlike anything Ive ever experienced at an event before, we were striped of our belongings (my camera included but later recovered... pix 2 come) and placed before a wheel of chance. The wheel determined which color of suit you were to wear for the night... one of the 3 primaries. With each color suit, you were assigned a room, an attitude, a behavior, and a mentality for the night... difficult to explain but so is mutek... you just sort of have to be here.
pictures and understanding to come.